Carnaval Del Pueblo
VHS Colour Sound 1999 18:32

Summary: Community film of Carnaval Del Pueblo which took place in Walworth, Southwark in 1999.
Starting with a float procession and carnival through the streets of Southwark moving onto Burgess Park with a spectacular festival of Latin American culture.
Title number: 20454
LSA ID: LSA/26967
Description: (films starts with long blank lead in)
Copyright notice – Geron Vision Ltd
Carnaval del Pueblo (background music)
Southwark Council
London Arts Board
Awards for All – Lottery Grants for Local Groups
Title sequence – crowds and revellers, artists dancing and playing instruments (1’00”)
Pan RL Burgess Park to stalls and stallholders preparing their stalls
V/O commentary and background music
2’06” – LS Carnaval del Pueblo procession through Walworth Road, commentary “From 10 in the morning a float procession begins….”
Dancers in traditional dress, floats with bands and musicians & childrens’ dances (2’ 40”)
Member of public in park watching procession arrive.
TS of pan LR over lake and park and crowds of people.
05’ 21” – Bolivian multi-cultural group on stage, views of food stalls, woman dancing, salsa and exercise classes.
07’45” – authentic costumes and fancy dress parades in park and on stage
10’ 50” – music from the Andes featuring Bolivian Harp, then music from Columbia.
13’ 20” – Alberto Santiago singing
15’ 00” – Willie Colon singing and playing
17’ 33” – CU of policeman vox pop
End credits (long blank lead out)
Credits: Nuala Bailie (Director); Mario Tasama (Director); Geron Vision Ltd (Filmmaker); Lorena Chavarro (Producer); Geronimo Palacios (Editor); Hing Tsang (Camera operator); Jorge Gonzalez (Camera operator); Rodrigo Alovarez (Camera operator)
Further information: Journalist, Hugo Maldonado
Special Effects, Hernando Zambrano
Programming, Geronimo Palacios
Location, Lorena Chavarro
Systems Engineer, Alexander Sengpiel
Collaborators, Falcony Palacios, Pricila Alarcon
Keywords: Festivals; Music; Latin American; Artists