Bank Holiday at High Elms
Standard 8mm film Colour Sound 1971 14:44

Summary: Amateur film made by or for the Women's Institute of the District of Bromley to commemorate the centenary of the Bank Holiday. The film follows a family on their Bank Holiday day out. The family initially plan to go to Hastings but due to heavy traffic they soon change their minds and choose to join the Jones family at nearby High Elms instead. The day's activities are shown; children play games and run around, and a picnic is had. The film then goes to show people playing golf at High Elms golf course and the children following the High Elms nature trails and exploring the wildlife before returning to the adults who are clearing up their picnic and leave High Elms. The film documents the family's journey home by showing a field of cows, some horse and donkey riders and some road side litter. It also shows a short clip of a traveller encampment before showing the Bromley Common road sign and the film comes to an end.
Title number: 125
Description: SHOT LIST
Title image: The Women's Institute of the District of Bromley Presents Bank Holiday at High Elms.
(0:10)Text: This year we celebrate the centenary of the institution of Bank Holidays. Sir John Lubbock later Lord Avebury who lived at High Elms was a politician, banker, naturalist etc. a friend of Charles Darwin who lived at nearby Downe House, and responsible for the introduction of the Bank Holidays Act 1871.
(0:26) Text: Lord Avebury 1834-1913.
(0:31) Painting of Lord Avebury seated.
(0:39) Text Today the High Elms estate is part of the green beld and the London Borough of Bromley has opened it as a place for recreation where the natural beauties of the countryside are preserved for all to enjoy.
(0.50) A group (family?) of five leave a white terraced house and bundle themselves and a large amount of stuff into an open-top car in the driveway.
(1:35) Text Next stop Hastings!
(1:40)The car is travelling down Hastings Road, Bromley towards Hastings.
(2:56)Text: We'll never get to Hastings! Lets join the Jones's at High Elms
(3.14) As the car arrives views of the grounds can be seen. The Jones family are already there and
(3.48) Frantic waving commences.
(4.18) The picnic basket and other things are unloaded from the car boot. While the grown ups prepare lunch the
(4.45) children play ball. Lunch commences.
Afterwards the children can be seen playing.
(5.13) One sits astride a toy bus.
(5.29) A race is held (in an area which is identifiable). The children practice
(5.58) gymnastics and
(6.24) walk along the top of a wall (where the race was held).
(6.44) They return to the picnic.
(7.01) Golf
(7.06) The exterior of the building connected to the Golf Course is shown, followed by views of the course and
(7.19, 7.38) people practicing their shots.
(7.47) Nature Trails
(7.52) A woman and child are shown looking at guides,look at wild flowers and trees, and take photographs.
(There are several (9.17, 9.32) close ups of flowers such as a
(10.08) rose gall and a
(10.55) scabious).
(9.35) The boy pauses at a wooden sign post saying public footpath .
(10.13)A group of children explore the woods and an area bordering the golf course.
(10.44) They pick and eat blackberries. The film shows
(10.57) the tall height of the trees.
(11.06) The film returns to the picnic. The adults are clearing up and
(11.17) the picnic box is returned to the car boot. As the car leaves High Elms the family
(11.43) wave their goodbyes to the Jones family. The journey home shows rural scenes, including a field of cattle. On the road there are
(12.16) children, one astride a pony, the other a donkey.
(12.32) A message appears- Look Litter followed by a close up of litter, and a
(12.41) traveller encampment.
(12.51) Screen says Keep Britain Tidy .
(12.54) A sign, Bromley Common and a view of busy traffic shows before another sign saying The End .
Further information: DVD available to view in Bromley Local Studies and Archives, Central Library, High Street, Bromley.
Keywords: Country Park, Bank Holiday, family
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Bromley; High Elms Country Park; Orpington