Bond First School: A Parent's Guide
VHS Colour Sound 1993 43:30

Summary: A video guide to Bond Primary School aimed at parents.
Title number: 3509
LSA ID: LSA/4592
Description: The video shows and discusses the educational approach and facilities of Bond Primary School, from its nursery through its teaching of infant and junior pupils. The school's buildings and classrooms feature heavily throughout. The video concentrates on how the school implements the national curriculum in each of its major subjects. In English it stresses the importance of reading using methods including 'look and say', phonics, and by making available a range of books, and supporting a home reading programme. It also provides writing skills with regular opportunities for pupils to commit their thoughts to paper in the form of descriptions, fiction, factual report, and as reasoned argument. The School also supports bilingual pupils with languages other than English. In Mathematics the school aims to equip students with basic skills needed to function in the world, as well as to develop skills and knowledge of how mathematics is used in our technological world with both boys and girls encouraged through an enjoyable programme. Lessons include the topics of numeracy, counting, measuring, exploring patterns and relationships, using space and shape, basic geometry, and manipulating 2d and 3d shapes. In Science the School helps pupils to understand the world in which they live, and to investigate it in a logical way. Lessons teach how to plan, to hypothesize and predict, how to design and carry out investigations, how to observe and raise questions, interpret results and findings, draw inferences, and to record and communicate findings. The classes cover the curriculum areas of living things, materials, energy, forces and structures, and the subjects of atmosphere, earth and space. In Information Technology lessons, Pupils gain IT skills, using word processing and graphical manipulation software. In Art pupils get the chance to draw, paint, model, print and use textiles, working in both 2d and 3d media. In Music pupils listen to different styles, create new music themselves, perform, sing and learn instruments. The school's Religious Education classes have a sensitive approach reflecting the different faiths of its pupils. Extra activity at the school comes in the form of swimming with a weekly visit to Cannon's Pool at Mitcham, opportunities for drama and role play and educational visits to Dean City farm, museums, theatres and factories. Residential visits also provide opportunities to leave the city and stay in country or coastal locations. The school has a steel band, puts on school plays, and has a tradition of country dancing regularly attending the Merton School Dance Festival. The School has a strong equal opportunities policy to avoid sexual and racial stereotyping and provides special support for students with special needs. It also offers an after school care facility with supervision until 5.30pm and the use of school facilities and grounds. Presenter John Fashanu joins a meeting of the Parents and Teachers Association where they discuss fundraising and he speaks with Peter Holt, Chairman of the Governing Body who talks about the role of the governors. A final conversation with Harold Galley, the Head Teacher covers the school's approach and standards. Harold Galley ends the video with a direct address to parents, welcoming them to the school.
Credits: Director: Ian Noah; Producer: Ian Noah; Camera: Ian Noah; Commentary by: Iris Hill; School Song - Music & Lyrics: Tim Hickland; Production facilities: Connections; Post-Production: In-House Television; Sound Dubbing: NATS Post Production; Music: The M
Cast: Presenter: John Fashanu
Keywords: Schools
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Merton; Mitcham