Eddie Prévost’s Blood
DVD Colour;Black & White Sound 2013 25:38

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Summary: A portrait of Bermondsey born and renowned free musician, Eddie Prevost, who talks about his childhood, musical influences and the concept behind his style of improvisational playing. Includes Prevost playing solo and in a group at his former school, Addey and Stanhope in Deptford.
Title number: 21148
LSA ID: LSA/27844
Description: (EP=Eddie Prévost) Film changes interchanges from bw to colour (all I/Vs in bw)
00:05: title card – ‘No amplification or electronic enhancement of any kind has been applied to the music in this film”.
Pan down to shadow of figure beating instrument. 00:40 – cymbals pan up to MS of Eddie beating cymbals. V/O EP asks people to think about instruments as if they haven’t seen them before. 01:09 – CU scraping large flat pan and holding soap dish. 01:22 EP scraping drum/cymbal with a bow.
EP talks about bringing people into an important ritual and “for me it’s the most compelling thing I do...it informs my existence”.
EP feels that people have endless capacity for creativity.
Various shots of EP playing and concentrating.
02:41 Title: Eddie Prévost’s Blood. A film by Stewart Morgan
02:48 I/V MS with EP talks about growing up in Bermondsey, bombsites, docks. Lived in 2 rooms in Albany Road. Forebears master silkweavers.
03:11 – Old Kent Road, street signs ‘Albany Road’, ‘East Street’
03:16 – L/A Albany Road, terraced houses
03:34 BCU – EP
04:12 – EP setting up instruments in studio w/ VO – not always wanting to be on tour but often it’s “where the best things happen”.
05:12 – C/A BCU male musician rocking back and forth playing sax (improv music session)
05:37 WS EP playing snare drums and various GVs + CUs of EP and male musician playing
06:39 – MS EP laughing behind drums
09:03 – EP & musician stop playing – long pause before EP thanks musician
09:20 – applause in b/g fade to black
09:30 – Pan LR street sign ‘Tunnel Road’
09:36 – Ext. Brunel museum bldg.
09:40 – TS looking down on EP behind drums in museum space
10:00 – MS EP using bow to scrap against large flat pan with VO talking about the sound instrument makes
10:21 – I/V EP how to explore with music with the instruments at hand
c/a EP fixing device, metal bowl
11:22 – MS EP moving vibrating ball across large drum and experimenting = V/O “child’s play”
12:48 – LS children on climbing frame w/ V/O EP talking about play and learning and similarity to playing on stage, also how important for cognitive development
13:41 – Ext LS Addey and Stanhope old School building
13:46 – EP walking through corridor
13:49 – Pan L to door of Headmaster’s study
13:56 – EP entering old school gym hall
14:00 – I/V EP recalling secondary school choices and visiting schools. Mother saying “you won’t get into this school because you haven’t got a father with a bowler hat next to you”. C/As of EP prepping instruments. EP talks about school life at Addey and Stanhope school.
14:27 – School group photo from 1954 of Addey and Stanhope – EP recalling some students.
14:40 – GVs musicians tuning up in hall
14:51 – EP looking at group photo and picks out ‘Leslie Bowler’ (?) whose parents introduced him to jazz.
15:37 – Head of school introduces EP to head of music, Matt.
16:09 – BCU EP playing instrument w/ C/As of I/V musing over what old music master would have thought of his music, laughter.
16:52 – Group 3-shot musicians in hall
17:40 – group 4-shot ditto
Various shots focussing on each musicians concentrated performance
19:28 – I/V talkings about music he plays is not just banging a stick but about “gradations” of application, pressure etc. EP agrees with Cardew who said “we are searching for sounds”
21:27 – C/A music engineers with Macbook
23:02 – EP V/O talkings about everybody going through musical journey together and that there is something of the experience that “you take with you”
25:38 end.
Credits: Stewart Morgan (Filmmaker); Laura Belinky (Camera operator); Giovanni La Rovere (Sound)
Cast: Eddie Prévost, Jennifer Allum, John Butcher, Ute Kanngiesser, Ricardo Tejero
Further information: Location facilities - Robert Hulse, Steve Pratt
Special thanks - Tony Dowmunt, Jack Evans, J.J., Families Morgan and Byrne
Keywords: School; Bermondsey; Music; Jazz
Locations: Southwark: Lewisham