The Bird family in North Africa and southern Spain
16mm film Black & White Silent 1930 14:48

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Summary: Bird family holidays in north Africa and Spain
Title number: 21045
LSA ID: LSA/27619
Description: Film begins in north Africa depicting small alleyways with residents carrying goods on their heads, selling wears. More exterior shots including steep steps. Man selling items outside a doorway. General street shots of residents, buildings. Children playing street scenes; a market. A street scene with narrow roads and pathways. A large marquee. View from above with shots of back alleys with women washing and laundry hanging up. View of a formal garden followed by a port with dockside basket makers. View of a tanker or cargo ship at sea. Town centre view, more built up than previously. A view of a tram next to the sea; donkeys and hill in the distance. A close up of a turkey and goats next to a farm house with residents. Mrs Bird and friends amongst some cacti. In a countryside village with banana trees and hills. Close up of a bird in a cage; a man with a donkey along the road. Mrs Bird and friends toasting the filmmaker. Panning view of a large town/city and Mrs Bird and friends in a garden; a busy road with cars, pedestrians and buses. The ladies and gentleman in a horse drawn carriage. Seafront view with man in plus fours reading a newspaper. A steam freight train along a coast. View of town then donkey powered water mill. A man (one of party) handing out money to small children and an older man begging with his hat.
Credits: Sydney Bird (Filmmaker)
Keywords: Holidays; Spain; north Africa