Bird family in Spain and America, 1930
16mm film Black & White Silent 1930 13:00

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Summary: The Bird family on holiday in Spain and America, 1930
Title number: 21041
LSA ID: LSA/27613
Description: Coastal view with train along the front, general panning to buildings and mountains behind. Large institutional building or palace. Seaside scene with two women and a man; officer on horseback; man in plus fours and woman; adults picking oranges in a grove; donkeys and goats in a field. General view of people walking in; peacocks. Close up of large prawns with Mrs Bird holding one. Exterior shot of historic building [palace]. View of area including palm trees.
Back in England, back garden with inflatable pool with two men and two boys. Close ups of bushes in a formal garden with marquees; selling plants. View of [American] street and fun fair. Parade of marching band led by an American flag bearer. Scenes from a boat. A shot of a man and woman with young child. Then a shot of a young child with teddy sitting next to a baby bath.
Credits: Sydney Bird (Filmmaker)
Keywords: Spain; America; swimming pool