Family in Switzerland, 1934
16mm film Black & White Silent 1934 18:31

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Summary: Family film featuring a trip to Switzerland.
Title number: 21040
LSA ID: LSA/27612
Description: Opens with family on balcony, alpine views and walking in the countryside, taking tea at an outdoor cafe. On a boat with signs for Hertenstein on Lake Lucerne.
Shot of alpine village, chalet and mountains in the back and a guide showing the family about. Shots of mountains in the distance and a glacier. Sign for Grindewald, a village in Switzerland.
Street scene with and horses, a picturesque village on a river with mountains in the background. Another boat trip departing from [Lucerne] with people on the quay waving. Close up of the family. On shore, traditionally dressed dancers and musicians. Another walk with mountain views.
The film ends with head shots of family members – Mum, Dad, two sons [and daughter-in-law]. A last shot, taken from a distance shows a man leading a group of teenage boys in aerobic exercises.
Credits: Sydney Bird (Filmmaker)