1948 Various Family
16mm film Black & White Silent 1948 11:15

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Summary: 1948 various family: Dunkery Beacon (Exmoor), Blue Anchor at Dunster, The Boys Rodeo, Station House garden
Title number: 21031
LSA ID: LSA/27594
Description: School Sports Day, boys running races, relay races, awarding of House Cup. Egg and spoon race with boys and girls, wheelbarrow race, sack race, Mother's race. Families walking across a stream [Dunkery Beacon}, shots of a forest and house. On the beech, children (boys) walking towards the sea. Cricket match, spectators. Interior shot inside pub with a darts game and possibly sitting by a fireplace. Shots taken from a moving vehicle driving along a road down towards the seaside and beach. Views of cliffs and beach. Shot of back garden.
Colour film commences. Holiday home, family leaving the house. Beach scene with boys playing in the sea. Crowded beach. Centre of village with historic market buildings. Family on top of Dunkery Hill (National Trust Property). Views of the countryside from Dunkery Hill with boys standing on monument. Boys on bicycles around side of property. Boys Rodeo - tumbling, play boxing, Girl sitting on chair. boys doing wheelbarrowing, high jumps over a piece of rope, boys being chased by girl with stick. All the children sitting together, Roger, Keith and CLive with a girl.
Back to black and white, baby lambs in a field. Child standing under a finger post pointing to Simonsbath and Barnstable (Devon). Shot of break water with some people on it. Town on to harbour. Boys in Life Boat Shed and a boy and a man rowing a boat into the harbour.View of boys running and houses in village. Views of fields and bus going down a country lane.
Credits: Edmonds. Eric (Filmmaker)