Dream within a Dream
16mm film Black & White Sound 02/10/2015 16:00

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Summary: Gothic type film of a portrait coming to life as an imaginary friend to a child.
Title number: 20098
LSA ID: LSA/26561
Description: Opens with a portrait of a woman; a couple admire the portrait as it is hung in the home; a young girl with dog looks on. A nanny takes the girl up to bed. Mother and father go out for the evening; young girl is disturbed, gets up and goes downstairs. She starts talking to the portrait who answers her saying she used to live in a smaller house and refers to a little boy who had no mommy to look after him. We're now seeing the story told by the portrait where a doctor comes in to see the little boy who is unwell. The doctor tells his father that he will never get well unless he goes away for a long time. Father goes to Thomas Cook to find a holiday, but goes into the antique shop next door. Back to the boy in bed drawing the hands from the portrait. The portrait comes to life, sitting on bed and talks to the boy telling him she will always watch over him. They play cats cradle. Father returns home with shop owner. The woman in the portrait is reading the boy a story, tucks him up and returns to portrait. Father and shop owner come into boy's room and examine the portrait so that the father can sell it and pay for the holiday. Back into the present the portrait is asking the little girl if she can play cats cradle. The little girl falls asleep on the sofa and the portrait says "we will have a lot of fun". Ends with quotation from Edgar Alan Poe about a dream within a dream.
Cast: The Little Girl - Elizabeth Mills, Her Mother - Kim Baggot, Her Father - Cliff Baggot, Her Nanny - Anne Mills, The Little Boy - Richard Scrivener, His Father - Jack Franks, His Doctor - F. Barrington, The Portrait - Sue Royle, The Art Dealer - J Jarvis, His Assistants - R.C. Poole David Whorley, The voice of the portrait - Lalage Lister
Keywords: Gothic; Imaginary friend; Illness