Topical Budget: Horses New Year’s Feast, Cricklewood (1913)

ProRes digital file Black & White Mute 1913 0:28

From: an image from the collection
BFI National Archive
Subcollection: Topical Budget
Locations: BrentCricklewood
play video for Topical Budget: Horses New Year’s Feast, Cricklewood (1913)

Summary: This short film shows animals at the Home Of Rest For Horses during the annual New Year feast at a charity event on Westcroft Farm in Cricklewood.

From: an image from the collection
BFI National Archive
Subcollection: Topical Budget
Locations: BrentCricklewood


  • Jan Toms wrote on September 30, 2017:
    I was hoping that there might be a glimpse of Pauline Cranstoun in the film. I am currently researching her…



