digital file Colour Sound 1956 29:10

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Summary: This film is complimentary to Dr. Carmichael's film of the same name dated 1953 and some of the footage at the beginning is duplicated. Gait is analysed on the basis of weakness of muscles, disorders of the joints and abnormalities of the bones. This is illustrated through footage showing gait on a moving belt (in real-time and slow-motion) and then with the patient in question being shown in shilhouette. These images are visually arresting. 1 segment
Title number: 18386
LSA ID: LSA/21543
Description: Segment 1 This film is complimentary to Dr. Carmichael's film of the same name dated 1953 and some of the footage at the beginning is duplicated. Gait is analysed on the basis of weakness of muscles, disorders of the joints and abnormalities of the bones. This is illustrated through footage showing gait on a moving belt (in real-time and slow-motion) and then with the patient in question being shown in shilhouette. These images are visually arresting. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:29:10:00 Length: 00:29:10:00
Credits: Made at the Institute of Orthopaedics, University of London, D.M. Brooks, H. J. Seddon. Produced by Cyril Jenkins (Productions) Ltd, for Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.
Keywords: Neurology; Orthopedics; Gait
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Institute of Orthopaedics, University of London