Facial paralysis following mastoid disease and operation
digital file Black & White Silent 1934 18:36

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Summary: An operation, performed by master facial surgeons Gillies and McIndoe, to correct a facial paralysis in a young man. The surgery is shown in detail and explained step by step through intertitles. Immediately after the operation, over-correction is noted in the patient. Later results show the patient's face with increased mobility and little scarring. A further patient, a young boy with the same condition, is shown smiling and eating a biscuit. 3 segments.
Title number: 18017
LSA ID: LSA/21174
Description: Segment 1 The male patient with facial paralysis is shown. The patient's face is affected on the right side. The operation begins, and the patient's thigh is prepared to take a skin graft. The skin graft is taken and prepared. Incisions are made next to the patient's mouth and above the mouth. A fascia needle is introduced. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:06:10:07 Length: 00:06:10:07 Segment 2 The operation continues. An incision is made in the patient's forehead. A flap of active temporal muscle is made. Time start: 00:06:10:07 Time end: 00:12:46:09 Length: 00:06:36:02 Segment 3 A skin graft is sutured to the muscle flap. The fascia needle is passed from the angle of the mouth into the prepared pocket. The needle is threaded with the strip of skin, and the needle is used to pull the muscle flap down into a pocket. The temporal tendon is joined to the loop near the patient's mouth. The intertitles note that there is immediate post-operative overcorrection. The patient is shown after the operation and moves his mouth to show the camera the effects of his treatment. A young boy is shown, also with a degree of facial paralysis, and he eats a biscuit. A doctor points at various parts of his face, possibly to show where surgery has been, or will take place. Time start: 00:12:46:09 Time end: 00:18:36:13 Length: 00:05:50:04
Credits: Produced by Sir Harold Gillies and A.H. McIndoe.
Further information: The young boy at the end of the film appears to have the same condition as the young man who is operated on during the film. However, no information appears in the film or supporting paperwork to say who he is or what kind of treatment he received.
Keywords: Facial Paralysis -- surgery; Face -- surgery
Locations: United Kingdom; England