Caesarean section
digital file Black & White Silent Unknown 14:18

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Summary: Record of a caesarean section operation in full detail. 3 segments.
Title number: 18007
LSA ID: LSA/21164
Description: Segment 1 The patient's history is given by the intertitles. They describe the case as a difficult labour and 'stillborn baby'. The abdomen has been sterilised. Anaesthetic is administered. The doctor examines the patient's abdomen and the intertitles describe the position of the baby, which is breech. An incision is made in the abdomen. Fingers are used to feel for possible adhesions under the peritoneum. The incision is extended by scissors. The baby is removed and its face cleaned. The umbilical cord is tied and cut. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:54:01 Length: 00:04:54:01 Segment 2 The placenta is removed. The uterus is explored to check that no pieces of membrane are left. The uterine wall is sutured. The intertitles note that there will be four rows of sutures. The first row of sutures is made. The patient is injected with pituitrin. Time start: 00:04:54:01 Time end: 00:09:16:18 Length: 00:04:22:17 Segment 3 The final three rows of sutures are made, with the intertitles describing them. The baby is shown and her weight given. Time start: 00:09:16:18 Time end: 00:14:18:23 Length: 00:05:02:05
Credits: Produced by Prof. Dame Louise McIlroy
Further information: Prof. Dame Louise McIlroy was one of the first female medical graduates in the UK. The exact date of this film is not known, but falls within the ranges of 1929-1934, as her full title is used in the credits, and she was appointed a Dame of the British Empire in 1929 and retired in 1934. The first intertitle in the film describes the baby as 'stillborn'. However, the last shot is of a baby girl who is clearly alive. It is not known which is correct, whether the baby was stillborn, or born normally.
Keywords: Cesarean Section; Parturition
Locations: United Kingdom; England