Newman's Butterfly Farm

35mm film Black & White Silent c.1935 5:39

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Summary: Film about lepidopterist L. Hugh Newman's butterfly farm, Salisbury Road, Bexley, Kent.


  • Chris Brown wrote on May 9, 2018:
    I remember visiting Hugh Newman's house with my father I think around 1963, near Bexley Kent. We walk from…
  • Perran Newman wrote on January 2, 2018:
    I could say a lot about this film which features my father aged about 26 years. The initial scene was…
  • John Bell wrote on December 9, 2017:
    Memories! As an 11 year old lad in the post war years I was interested in butterflies and…
  • Robn Ford wrote on November 24, 2017:
    The male assistant is my father Richard Ford who later wrote natural history books and purchased the natural history supply…



