Firewatchers (X & Y ARP Squads) Entertaining Themselves
Standard 8mm film Black & White Silent 1939-1940 18:00

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Summary: Amateur film record of wartime firewatchers at leisure.
Title number: 846
LSA ID: LSA/1125
Description: Firewatchers from the X & Y ARP Squads filmed entertaining themselves in a hut on the roof of Liberty's Regent Street store. The men take part in a gurning and face pulling competition, one fellow's facial twisting being intercut with shots of a similarly appearing hippo. Some men bring costume and props into their tomfoolery, using hats, eye patches, false teeth, pipes, cigarettes, darts and brooms. One man's wet shaves for the camera and is intercut with shots of a chimpanzee being foamed up. while another man is contrasted with shots of an orangutan. There's also a man in drag, impersonations of Hitler, Goebbels, Mussolini and Stan Laurel, and magic tricks. The film concludes more soberly with the men in their ARP uniforms outside the Liberty building.
Credits: Cameraman: Hilary Blackmore
Further information: This film was shot by Hilary Blackmore, grand nephew of Arthur Lasenby Liberty, the founder of Liberty & Co.
Keywords: Air raid precautions; Second World War (1939-1945); World War II
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; City of Westminster