Motherland: A Play Developed by Vauxhall Manor School for Girls, London
VHS unknown Unknown 3.1983 75:00

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Summary: The play is based on 23 women's testimonies about their experience of migrating to Britain from the Caribbean in the 1950s. It was first performed at Oval House Theatre on 9 July 1982. The video was made eight months later.
Title number: 7864
LSA ID: LSA/10464
Description: The play is based on 23 women's testimonies about their experience of migrating to Britain from the Caribbean in the 1950s. It was first performed at Oval House Theatre on 9 July 1982. The video was made eight months later.
I've got The book we are in but I did not get a copy of the Video-Film recording please can someone send me a copy?