Hidden from History: The Kamal Chunchie Story
DVD unknown Unknown 2009 17:00

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Summary: Recording of programme following the story of the founding of the 'coloured men's institute' in Canning Town and its founder, Kamal Chunchie, in East London. Kamal Chunchie, who was an important role model and community leader, devoted his life to the black and Asian communities of East London. This film brings his story to light and uncovers a powerful hidden history of East London.
Title number: 5047
LSA ID: LSA/6835
Description: Recording of programme following the story of the founding of the 'coloured men's institute' in Canning Town and its founder, Kamal Chunchie, in East London. Kamal Chunchie, who was an important role model and community leader, devoted his life to the black and Asian communities of East London. This film brings his story to light and uncovers a powerful hidden history of East London.