Festival 1953
16mm film Colour Silent 1953 0:00

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Summary: The festival was opened by His Worship Mayor of Dagenham, Councillor A W Kempson JP, at the Social Hall, Farm Close, Dagenham, July 4, 1953. Presentations made by the Mayor of West Ham. President - Lt Col L W F Bonner.
Festival organiser - A J L Clark, assisted by L C Foss.
Social secretary - P Phelan
Show secretary - E Fuller
Title number: 4330
LSA ID: LSA/5939
Description: The festival was opened by His Worship Mayor of Dagenham, Councillor A W Kempson JP, at the Social Hall, Farm Close, Dagenham, July 4, 1953. Presentations made by the Mayor of West Ham. President - Lt Col L W F Bonner.
Festival organiser - A J L Clark, assisted by L C Foss.
Social secretary - P Phelan
Show secretary - E Fuller
Credits: Nat Crosby (Camera operator)