The North Southwark Current
U-Matic video cassette Colour Sound 1983 30:00

Summary: Five short pieces by North Southwark Community Development Group, their Chairman and their associates discussing issues around area re-development local issues and funding for community projects.
Title number: 3389
LSA ID: LSA/4441
Description: Five films related by their focus on community associations and action groups in north Southwark.
1. Audio recording of a fractious public meeting on 10 May 1983 between residents and London Docklands Development Corporation and St Martins around the redevelopment of Hays Wharf. Visual is of the river including Pickford’s and Hay’s Wharfs taken from a boat. Residents are demanding a commitment for public housing, local employment and green space.
2. Bermondsey Community Nursery. Some of the mothers involved talk about the importance of the nursery in the community, their hopes for future development and funding. Film of children playing and teachers.
3. Courage’s Bottling Plant Site. Film of the Chairman of North Southwark Development Group talking about the Group’s objectives and the number of associates involved including Trade Councils and Tenants Associations and discussing the jobs lost when the Bottling Plant closed down and his hopes for the site which was bought by the GLC for housing and job creation.
4. North Southwark Pensioners Action Group. Discuss their current plans to campaign against parking on pavements and hope to establish a Pop-In Parlour as a meeting place for pensioners.
5. Tabard Estate Tenants Association. The head of the association discusses problems with maintenance and parking and shows the new garden space and football pitch that they have acquired.
Credits: The North Southwark Community Development Group (Producer)
Cast: The North Southwark Community Development Group plus Bermondsey Community Nursery, North Southwark Pensioner Action Group and Tabard Estate Tenants Association.
Video worker: Davina Connor
Community worker: Roger Clews
Keywords: Southwark; community; Building; Development