Her Majesty the Queen at Southwark Cathedral: Limited Edition Commemorative Video
VHS Colour Sound 09.11.1988 19:36

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Summary: Off-air recording of Live Relay of HM The Queen officially opening the Chapterhouse at Southwark Cathedral on 9th November 1987.
Title number: 3386
LSA ID: LSA/4438
Description: A film showing Queen Elizabeth II opening the Chapterhouse at Southwark Cathedral in 1988. Her visit was relayed live into the church by Stained Light Productions. While the presenter and assembled dignitaries wait for HRH a video called ‘Southwark Cathedral and Bankside’ [This is probably Southwark: The Oldest Gothic Church In London] is shown. It’s speeded up footage of people moving around the area, accompanied by fast-paced silent movie piano music. It’s interrupted by the presenter to let us know that the Queen will arrive in ten minutes. The new buildings have taken five years to build and cost £1 million. They were built on the medieval monastery and include meeting rooms and vestries. We are returned to the ‘Southwark Cathedral and Bankside’ film. Film is interrupted again as the Queen has arrived. Provost leads HRH and Duke of Edinburgh into the new buildings. They meet the archbishop of Southwark local bishops, the architect and other dignitaries. The last time the Queen was in Southwark Cathedral was in 1954 for a Maundy Money service. HRH goes into a gallery to visit an exhibition which traces the beginnings of the cathedral to the present day. Commentator refers to HRH’s outfit and what she wore when she came in 1954. Queen will sit beneath the gilt candelabra in the centre of the church where her great-grandfather Edward VII sat for the inauguration of the cathedral back in 1905. North transept window erected in 1898 to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria. Queen unveils plaque and signs book of donors. Goes into vestries to meet choir and director of music. Stained Glass Productions are also introduced to her Majesty. Leaves the cathedral and is presented with bouquets from local children.
Credits: Peter Bloore (Director); Jason Quilliam (Director); Stained Light Productions (Producer)
Further information: DVD available to view onsite.
Keywords: Building; Royalty; Cathedral