India - Promotional Tape
VHS Colour Sound c. 1987 55:00

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Summary: Public relations video for the country of India.
Title number: 3289
LSA ID: LSA/4281
Description: A compilation of six items promoting India's export industries: India an Overview; Silks from India; Cottons from India; Diamonds & Jewellery from India; Leather from India; and Carpets from India. The first item stresses the national advances India has made since independence in 1947, in exploiting natural resources, communications, and in its agriculture. It celebrates the green revolution which has allowed it to become food self sufficient and one of the world's major exporters of cotton and wheat. The item also considers India's materials industries, including the production of fabrics, chemicals, cars, planes, and ships. It presents the nation getting ready for the 21st Century with new power stations, an extensive railway network, eleven international shipping ports, computers, satellite technology and a space programme. It presents the country's bustling cities as fruits of economic growth and the political stability coming from being the world's largest democracy. It admits to a national challenge in regard to population, but also sees the people as India's greatest asset. The other items each consider an Indian export product and how Western companies have benefited and can continue to benefit from their use.
Keywords: Public relations; Tourism; Trade
Locations: India