VHS Colour Sound 1983 61:29

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Summary: A Christian video exploring understanding of God and life through some of the questions raised by baptism.
Title number: 2931
LSA ID: LSA/3857
Description: A young east end couple called Kim and Marny Miah are followed through a series of conversations with their vicar, Don Stokes, as they prepare to have their son Gary baptised. The video is split into four distinct sections. In 'Living Together' the couple explore the reasons for Christian baptism and what it means for them and their child. In 'From Slavery to Freedom' the Miahs talk about their personal understandings of the concepts of sin and evil in the world. In 'A New Life in God's Family' they reflect on being Christians in the difficult environment of London's east end. The final section, the 'Baptism', records the christening ceremony of Gary Miah at the church of St. George's-in-the-East, Stepney.
Credits: Director: Derek Frost; Producer: Audrey Shilling; Production Co-ordinator: John Ray; Video Editor: Denis Wyatt; Research: Don Stokes; Production: Gordan Gray; Production: Kevan Frost; Production: John Ray; Interviewer: Don Stokes; Sponsor: All Saints Educational Trust; Sponsor: Church Army Inner City Unit
Keywords: Baptism; Christianity
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Tower Hamlets; Stepney