Docklands. The Expanding City
VHS Colour Sound 1988 16:05

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Summary: A promotional video for the London Docklands Development Corporation.
Title number: 2675
LSA ID: LSA/3505
Description: Four aspects of the London Docklands development on the Isle of Dogs are highlighted in this marketing tape: the transportation links to the area; the communication facilities available; the quality of business and residential property; and the waterside landscape. The history of London's docks are presented with the use of old illustrations, but the video quickly moves on to present the inner city regeneration being undertaken by the London Docklands Development Corporation. Regeneration it claims which will benefit those who work and live in the area. Keen to address concerns that the docklands are a difficult area to get to it emphasis the new Docklands Light Railway, the £190 million of new road connecting the area to the motorway system and the soon to open London City Airport. Modern communication systems are presented through the satellite earth stations built by British Telecom and Mercury in the area. The built environment receives the most attention with views of new and proposed developments at Canary Wharf, the Royal Docks, Surrey Docks (including Surrey Quays retail development), London Bridge City, Butler's Wharf, Shadwell Basin and Tobacco Dock.
Keywords: Docks; Office buildings; Urban development
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Tower Hamlets; Dogs, Isle of