Handling & Preserving Family Records
VHS Colour Sound 1994 71:00

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Summary: A video guide to caring for documents, photographs, textiles and objects from the past.
Title number: 2446
LSA ID: LSA/3211
Description: Aimed primarily at private individuals caring for family records, company records or personal collections this video provides guidance on the conservation and storage of many types of memorabilia. Experts in archival preservation from the Public Records Office provide advice on the best atmospheric conditions for storage and specialist techniques that might be applied by the amateur conservator. General guidance is supplemented with information pertinent to particular forms of materials including textiles, photographs, books, documents and objects such as coins, medals and weapons.
Credits: Director: Rodney Crouch; Writer: Rodney Crouch; Producer: James S. Cable; Photography: David Brazier; Photography: Jon Poynter; Editor: Neil Roberts; Presenter: Rodney Crouch; Produced for: Public Record Office
Keywords: Cultural property preservation
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London