Centenary of the Present Parish Church of Saint Joseph, Bunhill Row, 1901-2001
VHS Colour Sound 2001 48:59

Summary: Record of a religious service celebrating the 100th anniversary of St Joseph Church in Islington.
Title number: 2445
LSA ID: LSA/3210
Description: The centenary of the present Parish Church of Saint Joseph on Bunhill Row is celebrated with a Pontifical Mass given by H.Em. Cormac Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor, 10th Archbishop of Westminster, on Sunday 1 July 2001. Archival photographs from across the churches first one hundred years, featuring the building, its priesthood and its congregation serve as a preface to the video and are followed by Cormac Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor and the Father Anthony giving an introduction. Celebrations begin at Saint Joseph, before the church members climb the steps and walk out along Lambs Passage and onto Chiswell Street. Clergymen and congregation walk in procession into the great hall of the former Whitbread Brewery on Chiswell Street where they join an already large group of worshipers. Singing and the use of incense precede an address by Cardinal McCarthy and prayers. Musicians and choristers perform songs by Mozart. A young girl gives a reading from Kings I a woman reads from the first letter of St Peter and one of the church officials reads from the Gospel of John. Three young girls and a boy are confirmed into the Catholic faith, the Lord's Prayer is read and the rite of the Eucharist is performed. The Cardinal expresses some of his thoughts regarding the presence of God in Islington, before concluding the mass with the blessing.
Further information: The picture and sound on the video drop out abruptly at circa 38 minutes and 27 seconds into the tape before coming back in again circa 52 minutes and 18 seconds. The intervening period appears to have been blanked losing some of the content. Production company UniS Television were a unit from the University of Surrey.
Keywords: Anniversary celebrations; Centenaries; Church services
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Islington