Elections: Parliamentary Referendum Party, Feltham and Heston
VHS Colour Sound 1997 12:15

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Summary: Promotional video for the Referendum Party.
Title number: 2427
LSA ID: LSA/3189
Description: A party election video by the short-lived Referendum Party concerned with resisting the creation of a single European super-state. It suggests that national sovereignty over issues of law, the economy, national security, foreign policy and border control are threatened by European integration. Supporting comment is provided by Referendum Party campaigners Bryan Slate (a solicitor), Shelagh Shepherd (a systems analyst), Ian McWhirter (a marketing consultant), Judy Clementson (a customer services manager), and Robin Page (the farmer and broadcaster). Party leader James Goldsmith sums up the case for a referendum on British participation in Europe, while an extract from a Referendum Party conference shows him addressing the attendees to rapturous applause. The video closes with an address to the camera by the former speaker of the House of Commons, Lord Tonypandy speaking in support of the Referendum Party's position.
Credits: Sponsor: The Referendum Party
Keywords: European Union; General elections; Referenda
Locations: United Kingdom