Hounslow's Green Strategy: Nature Conservation
VHS Colour Sound 1991 19:30

Summary: A video on Hounslow Council's Green Strategy Plan.
Title number: 2426
LSA ID: LSA/3188
Description: An outline of the nature conservation agenda at the heart of Hounslow Council's Green Strategy Plan to manage its open spaces for the benefit of people, wildlife and the global environment. This video is aimed at educational audiences, environmental study groups as well as other local authorities and the business community. However the needs of none of these feels appropriately or adequately answered by the video which exudes an odd purposelessness. Choosing not to address the elephant in the room of Heathrow Airport, the video instead concerns itself with the Borough's parklands. The psychological benefit of green spaces in the city are stressed alongside the authority's new agenda of taking a mixed approach to planting and landscaping. Alan Smith, the Landscape Officer for Hounslow council talks about managing the economic and environmental demands on open spaces. The three basic approaches to managing Council open spaces are introduced: nature conservation, garden treatment, and the traditional high cost plans of seasonal bedding. The new green plan identifies which pieces of land will receive which kind of treatment. The green plan also places attention on the need for engaging local volunteers and performing educational outreach. A council officer is seen introducing children to local wildlife. Landscape Assistant Ton de Vent speaks about the wildlife routes in Hounslow and connecting the Borough's fragmented open spaces with green corridors. Amongst the spaces featured in the video are Boston Manor Park, Gunnersbury Park, the Crane Valley, and Hounslow Heath.
Credits: Director: Norman Staples; Writer: Norman Staples; Narrator: Alan Titchmarsh; Camera: Norman Staples; Sound Recordist: A.S. Phull; Music: James Hillside; Music: Darryl Way; Music: Jim Harbourg; Music: David Bradnum; Music: Robert Weston; Editor: Martin Vale; Sponsor: Hounslow Leisure Services Department
Cast: Narrator: Alan Titchmarsh
Further information: Produced for Hounslow Leisure Services Department by the Audio Visual Unit. Public Relations Division.
Keywords: Environmental management; Parks
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hounslow