First Film Barbershop 5 Lodge Avenue Dagenham 41 Baron Road
Standard 8mm film Colour Silent 1955 16:00

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Summary: A serious of engaging street scenes from Dagenham in the 1950s and family life, visiting relatives, playing in the garden, visiting a relative or friend in hospital and ending with a Wedding.
Title number: 22222
LSA ID: LSA/29277
Description: Urban shopping parade in Lodge Avenue Dagenham featuring range of shops-Barber featured crossing the road a white consul is parked next to a white Morris Estate. A woman dressed in a 1950s dress walks towards the white Morris estate. She walks down the street, parade of shops and vehicles are featured. Back garden scene with Mother and baby in pram. Back to parade of shops, interior of Barber shop, with two seats. External urban garden scenes featuring family shots, including daughter, dog, father featured. Street scene with a styling dressed woman in red dress joins a family group walking towards the camera. A young man sits on a motor cycle talking to an older man. Garden scene of man and woman walking in a small garden, women seen leaving the front door. Lodge Avenue scenes of Barber walking across the road, joins his colleague standing outside shop and they talk to various shoppers outside the shop.
Shots of countryside from a moving train, possibly in UK. An elderly woman is framed in the doorway of a terraced house, joined by Daughter (?) who supports her. Views of tree terraced road. Back garden scenes with elderly woman and daughter joined by various family members.
Garden scenes features family with two young girls dancing together, a formal family portrait is featured at the end.
Two school girls in uniform are featured leaving the house, other younger girls in uniform are featured returning from school.
A family arrives in a saloon car possibly visiting a hospital or sanatorium, next scene is shot externally and features a woman in a hospital bed, receiving visitors. Internal scene of a hospital ward, with patients and visitors. External scene of Garden where a man lying down plays solitaire with cards.
Exterior shots of guests arriving at Wedding-guests are elegantly dressed, the Bride arrives with Father and the photographer arranges various photos. After the service Bride and Groom are featured on the steps of the Church, they leaves in black Humber car, waving to guests.
Brief shots of three woman playing with dog outside garages.
Locations: Dagenham