Gainsborough Film Studio AV Show, Burbage Junior School, Ivy Street N.1
VHS Colour Sound 1985 15:00

Video not currently available. Get in touch to discuss viewing this film
Summary: The story of Gainsborough Film Studios told by schoolchildren.
Title number: 2194
LSA ID: LSA/2875
Description: The story of Gainsborough Film Studios told by 3rd and 4th year pupils of Burbage Junior School. The video uses a series of still images of the studio buildings and the surrounding area, photographs from films made there and of directors and actors who worked at Gainsborough. These images are overlaid with narration by the schoolchildren and the recorded recollections of older Hackney residents about the studios in their prime.
Further information: Contains no moving images.
Keywords: Children (age group);
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney