A. Sindall & Co.
VHS Colour Sound 1985 30:00

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Summary: Video of a visit to A. Sindall & Co. by the Greater London Industrial Archaeological Society.
Title number: 2191
LSA ID: LSA/2872
Description: Video of a visit to A. Sindall & Co., a trimming manufacturers on Middleton Road, Dalston by the Greater London Industrial Archaeological Society on the 26th April 1985. The video includes several shots of the company's equipment including the jacquard head and looms, jacquard heddles, shuttle controls, a fringing machine, a sash making machine, braiding machines, rope walk looping and spinning, jacquard card punching, hand tasselling, hand looms, warping and a scratch built fringing machine.
Credits: director: Dan Haytor
Keywords: Local history; Manufacturing
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney