14. 1966 (No Good)

Standard 8mm film Black & White Mute 1966 16:40

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Summary: 22/05 Bunday and Amanda in garden. 26/05 Paul's Party (Keithe Meron oh). A + A in garden - Bundy shovelling - Valentine's Park (Alison and Chris) Whit MOnday - 04/06 Amanda in garden. Bundy breaking coal bunker - rubble - London Zoo 13/06. Amanda and Paul Fuller - shed erecting. Amanda in bath, Rainbow 29/07. Amanda in garden with Dad's slipper. 06/09 Gorleston Beach - 07/09 Sparrow's Nest - Boat ride from Wrexham - Winterta(?) - Lowersholt - Womack - Lowersholt.




