BBC Visit to Harlech Summer School + Holiday with a Difference - Penzance
16mm film Colour Sound Unknown 25:00

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Summary: BBC Visit to Harlech Summer School + Holiday with a Difference - Penzance
Title number: 18860
LSA ID: LSA/22020
Description: Note inside:
"Visit to Harlech Summer School: Signing introduction, Castle, Course assembling, mgt moore signs. George English pony trekking, Meals, social occasions. Local steam railway.
Holiday with a difference: Signing introduction and tour of the accommodation. Visitors signing. Views of the town. Windy. Bus stop. Fancy hat competition. Knobbly knees and feet."
Cast: George English
Keywords: Deaf; Deafness
Locations: United Kingdom; Wales; Harlech; England; Penzance