Clinical nutrition: metabolic and nutritional aspects of severe injury

digital file Black & White Sound 1976 20:06

From: an image from the collection
Wellcome Collection
Subcollection: Uptodate
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Summary: Here, Dr. Roger Smith of the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford describes some of the metabolic effects of severe injury in man and attempts to assess the nutritional and therapeutic implications of recent work. A short summary accompanying the cassette reads: Injury is a complex insult which produces widespread effects on body composition, energy exchange and hormonal balance. Studies on protein and ketone body metabolism suggest that these are closely linked. The loss of muscle protein after injury may be due to failure of synthesis as well as increased breakdown. Measurement of circulating levels of branched-chain amino acids and of urinary 3-methylhistidine (as an index of muscle catabolism) provide support for these ideas. Out-standing problems include the effect of immobility on the skeleton and muscle, and the ways in which muscle protein synthesis may be stimulated. 4 segments.

From: an image from the collection
Wellcome Collection
Subcollection: Uptodate




