Blood is life
digital file Black & White Sound 1957 16:25

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Summary: The National Blood Transfusion Service showing men and women responding to the call to give their blood, and the care which is taken to safeguard donors and patients by scrupulous attention to such matters as maintenance of equipment and records by highly-trained personnel. Dramatic recreations show how blood is grouped, tested and stored, and how it ultimately reaches the patient in the operating theatre. 3 segments.
Title number: 18262
LSA ID: LSA/21419
Description: Segment 1 Opening credits. A delivery of blood arrives at an operating theatre. The soundtrack is the sound of a heart beating and someone breathing. A telephone rings the operation just seen was successful and the patient needs another transfusion after surgery. The female blood bank worker goes to collect some. She is seen testing blood for its group. A regional transfusion centre is seen, where more testing is being done for transmissable diseases. The blood is then separated and dried for future use. A blood bank is seen a driver arrives to collect some blood. An urban street is seen three mothers gossip at a front door. Inside, a toddler tips a pan of boiling water over himself and screams. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:51:01 Length: 00:05:51:01 Segment 2 The boy is rushed to hospital where the doctor say he needs plasma. Phone calls are made and the plasma arrives as he lies in bed covered in bandages. The narrator introduces a member of the air force, who is seen giving blood at a donor session, saying that someone like him saved the little boy's life. A row of air force men lie on cots donating blood and smoking. The narrator explains how easy it is to give blood and how little time it takes. Teams from the National Blood Transfusion Service are seen travelling around to collect blood in different towns and the narrator explains how the service has a panel of regular donors. Two staff workers talk about their regular donors, including one man who must stop donating as he is about to turn 65. The records room and sterilisation procedure are seen. Time start: 00:05:51:01 Time end: 00:11:31:01 Length: 00:05:40:00 Segment 3 The man who will shortly reach his 65th birthday arrives to give blood for the last time. His voice is heard thinking about giving blood and how sad he feels now he must stop. He chats to a little girl whose mother is giving blood and then goes to the bed himself. He chats to the doctor, who asks him to help enrol some younger people as donors. He is heard thinking of why he gave blood so often in the war his house was bombed and his wife almost died. She was saved by blood transfusions. He hopes his blood will help someone else in need. Three days later, a new mother is seen regaining consciousness, having received a blood transfusion. She is seen breast feeding her baby as the narrator thanks the blood donor for saving her life, saying that blood transfusion is 'a link that binds many lives'. Time start: 00:11:31:01 Time end: 00:16:25:14 Length: 00:04:54:13
Credits: Photographed by Larry Pizer, edited by Anton Williams, produced by Leon Clore and written and directed by Anthony Simmons. Made with the cooperation of the director and staff of South Western Regional Transfusion Centre, Bristol.
Further information: This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive THIS TITLE IS EMBARGOED UNTIL 2012
Keywords: Blood Donors; Blood; Blood Group Antigens; Public health Hospitals
Locations: United Kingdom