Animal health
digital file Colour Sound 1986 22:55

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Summary: The State Veterinary Service has statutory responsibility not only for the welfare of farm animals, (part of the vocation of all veterinary practitioners) but also for EEC regulations that must be enforced, with thorough import and export procedures. The film demonstrates the efficiency of a team working in close consultations to isolate a case and prevent spread of disease. 4 segments.
Title number: 18251
LSA ID: LSA/21408
Description: Segment 1 Opening credits. A laboratory technician is examining samples under a microscope. He says 'Let's hope this one is negative' he is examing the samples for signs of swine fever. A veterinary officer is on the phone to a farm a pig has died and other pigs are ill. A veterinary officer drives to the farm for a consultation he issues a Form A, sealing off the farm until the threat is over. Signs and road cones are put around the farm to prevent access. The farmer is upset. The Central Veterinary Laboratory in Weybridge coordinates examination of post-mortem samples from the farm's dead pig. The samples are seen being prepared for a series of tests, which the narrator describes. The first test is a fluorescent antibody test, the second is a culture test and the third is a serological test. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:52:22 Length: 00:05:52:22 Segment 2 Next, the narrator describes the UK's veterinary services. A cattle market is seen. Vets and animal health officers inspect the livestock. The Laboratory Service is also seen inocculating animals. The narrator describes EEC meat and cattle regulations officers test meat and stamp it. A port is seen, which exports meat. A quarantine area for imported dogs is seen. The officers discuss one dog they are worried about. The narrator gives the history of the State Veterinary Service, beginning with the 1865 outbreak of cattle plague and ending with the establishment of the Central Veterinary Laboratory in Weybridge. The CVL is seen, with technicians working in the lab. The narrator describes its work and responsibilities, which includes a cow insemination program. A vet is seen artificially insemination a cow. Time start: 00:05:52:22 Time end: 00:11:41:04 Length: 00:05:48:07 Segment 3 The suspected swine flu samples undergo the flourescent antibody test it is negative. However, this is just the first of three tests. The central office reports this to the farm and asks if the tracing exercise has begun (to work out where the virus was contracted). The market and local authorities are seen working out where the original farm was. The second test is carried out this is also negative. The vet and farmer discuss other illnesses as swine fever looks increasingly unlikely. The officer says that she has ordered another post mortem at the Veterinary Investigation Centre. Time start: 00:11:41:04 Time end: 00:15:52:06 Length: 00:04:11:02 Segment 4 A Veterinary Investigation Centre is seen and the narrator explains the work that they do. Veterinary students are seen attending classes. The post mortem of the pig is seen the vet takes an intestinal sample which is tested for salmonella. The test is positive and the technician determines the precise strain. The farmer is told and the swine fever signs are taken down and the farm is unsealed. The SVS has also determined where the virus came from - a lorry used to transport other infected pigs. The film ends with shots of healthy animals at a cattle fair and the narrator explaining that the SVS works due to cooperation of veterinary services and the farming community. Time start: 00:15:52:06 Time end: 00:22:55:19 Length: 00:07:03:13
Credits: Written and directed by Abel Goodman, narrated by Robert Hardy, camera by Richard Hill, sound by Derek Rye and Peter Hodges, edited by Philip Gordon and produced by Bruce Parsons.
Further information: This video made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive
Keywords: Animals; Veterinarians; Classical Swine Fever; Salmonella arizonae; Swine; Animals, Domestic; Cattle;
Locations: United Kingdom; England; Weybridge; Central Veterinary Laboratory