digital file Colour Sound 1983 12:38

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Summary: A film demonstrating CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) techniques made for the Royal Navy. 2 segments.
Title number: 18218
LSA ID: LSA/21375
Description: Segment 1 A montage of life-saving action is seen: surgeons in an operating theatre, a helicopter rescuing a drowning person and firemen lifting someone from a burning house. The male narrator says that everyone can save a life if they know 'The ABC of CPR'. An animation of a jogger explains how the respiratory system works. Examples of people deprived from oxygen are seen: a drowning man, a woman in a smoky room, a boy playing with a plastic bag and a woman in a car crash. Other examples are also seen: a man trapped under a heavy object and an overdose of drugs. Two men act out an emergency situation. One man creates an airway in the unconscious man (the 'A' - 'Airway open') by extending the neck and clearing the mouth. He then rolls him into the recovery position. The 'kiss of life', mouth-to-mouth ventilation, is also seen. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:19:07 Length: 00:05:19:07 Segment 2 A dramatised 'real life' example is seen. A man is in trouble in the sea and begins to drown. His friends swim to him and begin ventilation when they are still in the water. They pull him to shore and begin mouth-to-mouth respiration. He coughs and they turn him into the recovery position. Next, a burning house is seen. Firemen lift an unconscious lady out and when they reach a safe stairwell, begin ventilation. Next, a mother finds her son suffocated by a plastic bag. She panics and calls her daughter, who tells her to call an ambulance then begins resusciation. The narrator says, 'Give the panicker something useful to do - even if it is your mother'. This is the 'B' - 'Breathe for them'. Finally, the 'C' is seen - 'Circulate by chest compression'. A man is electrocuted and his heart stops, so two men perform mouth-to-mouth ventilation and compress his chest. The narrator summarises the three steps of the ABC of CPR. Time start: 00:05:19:07 Time end: 00:12:38:16 Length: 00:07:19:09
Further information: This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive
Keywords: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation; Military Personnel; Military Medicine -- education
Locations: United Kingdom