Blood transfusion groups
digital file Colour Sound 1965 8:59

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Summary: This film is about identifiying different blood groups in order to use blood in transfusion. 2 segments.
Title number: 18156
LSA ID: LSA/21313
Description: Segment 1 Stop frame animation is used to introduce four bottles of the four blood types. A male narrator explains that there are four groups. Test tubes of blood are shown, having separated into cells and plasma. Another has been mixed with coagulant, clotting the blood. The narrator explains that in a blood transfusion, the patient must receive the correct blood as mixing different groups can result in the red blood cells either coagulating or dissolving, if the match is incorrect. The work of Karl Landsteiner in discovering the four groups is discussed, and the four bottles are seen again: types O, A, B and AB. An animation shows the chemical reaction of antibodies reacting with antigens in the blood. A chart shows what happens if incorrect blood groups are mixed. The narrator explains what antibodies are and what they do, with the aid of animations. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:02:20 Length: 00:05:02:20 Segment 2 The Rhesus Factor is explained, having either negative or positive antigens. An animation shows what happens if a mother conceives a rhesus positive baby if she herself is rhesus negative. The baby is born anaemic. A scientist is shown testing samples of donor and patient blood to see if they can be mixed. An ill patient is seen receiving a blood transfusion, and the narrator stresses that it is a necessary and life-saving measure. Time start: 00:05:02:20 Time end: 00:08:59:02 Length: 00:03:56:07
Credits: Directed by A.E.C. Hopkins and produced by Helen Wiggins Films Ltd.
Further information: This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive.
Keywords: Blood Group Antigens; Blood Transfusion; Public Health
Locations: United Kingdom