Childbirth: Richard's story
digital file Colour Sound Unknown 6:06

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Summary: In this short film a father tells his side of the birth of his baby. Includes footage of the actual birth. 1 segment.
Title number: 18140
LSA ID: LSA/21297
Description: Segment 1 Richard, the father, describes bringing his wife to hospital for the birth. The delivery room is shown, with his wife in labour. The midwife arrives. Richard talks about how she is the same midwife who will visit their home after the birth, so he is pleased with this continuity of care. The baby is born. The midwife gives the parents instructions so she can carry out the delivery of the afterbirth. Richard is seen wiping his wife's brow, and he talks about how he felt he was helping out by being there and making sure she was comfortable. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:06:06:20 Length: 00:06:06:20
Further information: This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive.
Keywords: Parturition; Public Health; Fathers
Locations: United Kingdom