Another case of poisoning
digital file Black & White Sound 1949 13:46

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Summary: A film for food handlers of all kinds. Food poisoning is all too common, and this film, by examining the food contacts of a typical case on the day of the attack, shows some of the ways in which it can be caused. Slackness in the preparation and handling of food and drink, in shops, canteens and factories, in the home, and elsewhere, can leave the door wide open for infection. 2segments.
Title number: 18134
LSA ID: LSA/21291
Description: Segment 1 A doctor comes to meet a patient in a hospital ward who has food poisoning. The doctor checks his symptoms and asks the man to tell him about his day to see where he might have contracted the food poisoning. The patient is a food handler, and although he says he did wash his hands after using the toilet, the film shows that he did not. He also describes the breakfast cooked by his wife. The wife's hygiene is also lacking she touches fresh food with hands that have just taken the rubbish out, and also keeps meat uncovered. She is seen buying corn beef at the butcher's, who is also unclean. He drops his knife but uses it to cut the heat, has an old bandage on a cut finger, and touches a cat and then the meat without washing his hands. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:06:50:17 Length: 00:06:50:17 Segment 2 The doctor asks the patient to describe his lunch. He went to a cafe, where the waitresses lick their fingers and handle the food. The patient then went to the pub, where he began to feel ill. The doctor says that he could have picked up his food poisoning from any of the places he visited, as they were all quite unclean. The doctor then turns to the camera and says that everyone who works with food must learn to take better care and have better hygiene. He runs through some basic hygiene steps, such as washing hands and using clean dressings for wounds. Another case of food poisoning arrives at the hospital, and the doctor says to the camera, 'I hope none of you are to blame'. Time start: 00:06:50:17 Time end: 00:13:45:20 Length: 00:06:55:03
Credits: Made for the Ministry of Health with the collaboration of the Central Council for Health Education. Produced by Richard Massingham, directed by John Waterhouse and written by Quentin B. Dobson and John Waterhouse.
Further information: This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive. THIS TITLE IS EMBARGOED UNTIL JANUARY 22, 2012
Keywords: Foodborne Diseases; Food Contamination; Public Health
Locations: United Kingdom