Dying for a smoke
digital file Colour Sound 1967 9:46

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Summary: An animated cartoon on smoking and health. The villain, Old Nick O'Teen , disguises himself as an 18-year-old motor cyclist, the better to lure children into the cigarette habit. Fourteen-year-old Sam falls into the trap, but after awesome visions of his future, expert advice from a doctor, and straight talk from a friendly lorry-driver renounces the habit. 1 segment.
Title number: 18129
LSA ID: LSA/21286
Description: Segment 1 Nick is seen driving towards a school, saying that he needs hundreds of new slaves. He disguises himself as a motorcyclist and offers the schoolboys cigarettes. Sam accepts and begins smoking. Sam and his friend are transported to a dingy looking town where everyone, even the animals, smokes. The children realise their fingers and teeth are stained from nicotine. Sam's friend leaves but Sam carries on smoking and joins a chain gang of smokers. In his dreams, he sees a doctor who gives him information about the side effects of smoking. Sam continues to smoke however. Nick digs the smokers an early grave, but Sam is rescued by a lorry driver, who drives him away. The lorry driver points out that smoking costs a lot of money, and Sam agrees to quit. Sam plays various sports with Nick O'Teen and beats him every time. In the end, everyone refuses the cigarettes offered by Nick, who is furious. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:09:46:11 Length: 00:09:46:11
Credits: Produced by the Central Office of Information for the Ministry of Health. Script by Joy Batchelor, directed by John Halas and animated by Terry Harrison, Alan Green and Mike Pocock.
Further information: This video was made from material preserved at the BFI National Archive.
Keywords: Public Health; Smoking
Locations: United Kingdom