Surgical correction of female sterility

digital file Colour Sound 1956 34:45

From: an image from the collection
Wellcome Collection
Locations: Mexico
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Summary: Twelve problems of sterility and the surgery carried out to correct them are performed by surgeon Carlos D. Guerro, Professor of Surgical Pathology and Gynocology, Universidad National, Mexico. The operations include: 1. Ovarian surgery: removal of an ovarian abscess 2. Ovarian surgery: excision of ovarian cysts, test of tubal patency 3. Ovarian surgery: bilateral partial cophorectomy 4. Tubal surgery: bilateral partial resection of fallopian tubes 5. Tubal surgery: bilateral partial resection of fallopian tubes 6. Tubal surgery: bilateral salpingoplasty 7. Uteroplasty: uteroplasty 8. Uteroplasty: vagino-uteroplasty 9. Myomectomy: myomectomy 10. Myomectomy: myomectomy 11. Myomectomy: multiple myomectomy 12. Myomectomy: myomectomy, gravid uterus. 5 segments.

From: an image from the collection
Wellcome Collection
Locations: Mexico




