Bathing and dressing: Part 1
digital file Black & White Silent 1935 10:38

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Summary: A two-part film made for mothers-to-be, looking at the correct way to bathe a baby. This first part shows, among other things, the importance of avoiding draughts, which equipment is needed, how to change a soiled nappy, the correct temperature of bath water and how to wash the face and head. 2 segments.
Title number: 18000
LSA ID: LSA/21157
Description: Segment 1 A mother is shown with her two-month-old girl. The intertitles state that draughts should be avoided at bath time, and give advice on how to arrange the bathtub near the fire. Advice is also given on how to arrange a trolley of equipment needed for bath time. Instructions on how to heat up the bath water are given. Advice on how to undress the baby. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:04:16 Length: 00:05:04:16 Segment 2 Instructions on how to remove a soiled nappy are given by the intertitles and how to clean the baby's bottom. The water is heated to the correct temperature. The baby's nose and face are cleaned. Time start: 00:05:04:16 Time end: 00:10:38:23 Length: 00:05:34:07
Keywords: Infant, Newborn; Maternal Behavior
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Shoreditch; Carnegie Welfare Centre