First aid, life saving and resuscitation
digital file Black & White Silent 1933 16:00

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Summary: A demonstration of the approaches and holds used in the rescue of swimmers. Method of resuscitation and the use of the inhaler in case of gas poisoning. 3 segments.
Title number: 17922
LSA ID: LSA/21079
Description: Segment 1 The first part of the film deals with saving a drowning person. The intertitles give instructions on how to approach a drowning person, and two men provide demonstrations, both in and out of water. Four methods of carrying a person through water are demonstrated: the cross-chest carry, the hair carry, the head carry and the tired swimmer's carry. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:39:21 Length: 00:04:39:21 Segment 2 Methods of breaking 'death grips' are shown: the front stranglehold, the back stranglehold, the double-wrist hold, and how to break two people apart. Two ways of carrying a person from a lake are demonstrated: the saddleback carry and the fireman's lift. Time start: 00:04:39:21 Time end: 00:10:23:09 Length: 00:05:43:13 Segment 3 The prone pressure method of artificial respiration is demonstrated. The patient is lying face down. The intertitles instruct on where to place the hands and how to apply pressure. An animation shows the movement of the diaphragm during this method. The intertitles explain that the patient must be kept warm. The patient is rolled in a blanket, and their limbs rubbed, as someone continues the artificial respiration. The intertitles explain that after the patient revives they must be kept warm and quiet. Next, instructions on when to use an inhalator, providing oxygen, are given. Time start: 00:10:23:09 Time end: 00:16:00:17 Length: 00:05:37:08
Keywords: Resuscitation; Drowning
Locations: United States