Frontal rhinoplasty
digital file Black & White Silent 1930 39:26

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Summary: A complete record of a plastic operation to normalise an abnormally short nose by transference of tissue from the forehead. 6 segments.
Title number: 17896
LSA ID: LSA/21053
Description: Segment 1 The intertitles introduce the patient, explaining that his nose is very short due to an accident when he was younger. The patient is seen and he turns and shows his profile. The first operation begins, and the patient is given local anaesthetic, injected around the nose. An incision is made in the nose, and the intertitles note that the septum is not cut. The lower part of the nose, below the cut, is pulled down by threads sewn in. A piece of bone is removed, and the intertitles state that a piece of ivory will be inserted. Some skin is detached, and the damage sustained when the patient was younger is made good. The top of the nose is incised. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:06:55:10 Length: 00:06:55:10 Segment 2 The top of the nose continues to be cut, and threads are attached. It is sutured, and the flap of skin is turned inwards. The intertitles note that although the nose is now longer, it lacks two thirds of its outer skin. This lack of skin will be covered by a flap of skin from the forehead. Local anaesthetic is injected into the forehead. Time start: 00:06:55:10 Time end: 00:13:45:24 Length: 00:06:50:14 Segment 3 The forehead is cut and the subsequent flap of skin is sewn to the nose. The lack of skin on the forehead will be covered by a skin graft from the upper arm, using Schelepmann's grafting knife. The graft is shown being taken from the arm, and cut off with scissors. The patient is shown at the end of the first operation with an 'apron' bandage on his forehead. Time start: 00:13:45:24 Time end: 00:20:39:05 Length: 00:06:53:06 Segment 4 The second operation begins three weeks later. The intertitles state that the flap of skin from the forehead to the nose will be severed, and the remaining lack of skin on the forehead will be covered. The patient is shown before the operation. The scars on the forehead and around the flaps of skin are excised. The flap at the root of the nose is severed and then sutured. Time start: 00:20:39:05 Time end: 00:26:59:23 Length: 00:06:20:18 Segment 6 The forehead is sutured. The patient is shown at the end of the second operation whilst still on the operating table. He turns his head to display the surgical work. Time start: 00:33:30:04 Time end: 00:39:26:00 Length: 00:05:55:21
Credits: Produced by Prof J. Joseph and Berlin University
Keywords: Surgery, Plastic; Nose -- surgery; Rhinoplasty
Locations: Germany