Electrodiagnostics on the healthy body: Part 2, Head and trunk
digital file Black & White Silent 1930 14:26

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Summary: A demonstration of Faradic and Galvanic electric currents on individual muscles. 3 segments.
Title number: 17894
LSA ID: LSA/21051
Description: Segment 1 Electrodes are used to stimulate various muscles of a subject using Faradic and Galvanic currents alternately. The following muscles are stimulated: facial nerve - trunk, facial nerve - superior branch, frontal nerve, musc. orbicularis oculi, musc. corrugator supercilii, musc. orbicularis oculi, musc. zygomaticus, musc. orbicularis oris and facial nerve - inferior branch. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:17:20 Length: 00:04:17:20 Segment 2 The following muscles are stimulated: musc. mentalis and quadratus menti, musc. triangularis menti, masseter muscle crossed by facial nerve, temporal muscle, muscles of the tongue, spinal accessory nerve, sternocleidomastoid muscle, dorsal scapular nerve, trapezius muscle, musc. levator anguli scapulae, musc. infraspinatus, musc. teres major and musc. latissimus dorsi. Time start: 00:04:17:20 Time end: 00:10:09:22 Length: 00:05:52:02 Segment 3 The following muscles are stimulated: erecting muscles of dorsum, musc. gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, pectoralis major, musc. rectus abdominis, musc. obliquus internus, musc. obliquus externus and musc. serratus anterior. Time start: 00:10:09:22 Time end: 00:14:26:05 Length: 00:04:16:08
Credits: Produced by Dr. E. Strauss and Berlin University
Keywords: Electrodiagnosis; Electric Stimulation
Locations: Germany