Everybodys London
16mm film Colour Sound 1967 0:00

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Summary: This is a good copy of the GLC's Public Information Branch's Film 'Everybodys London' and is about the growth of London and the formation of the Greater London Council.
Title number: 17799
LSA ID: LSA/20951
Description: There is a brief history of a history of London, the LCC and the GLC. The major services of the Council including transport, roads, housing and fire brigade and ambulance services are described. Shots include: County Hall, housing, Thamesmead, London streets, the Thames, parks and gardens, the Southbank and the Docks, as well as aerial shots of London. Extract from GLC Publicity Material for the Film: For 2,000 years London has spread outwards from the Thames. The need to guide and shape its abounding vitality is crucial if essential services are to be provided, but at the same time retaining London's heritage of architectural rarity and beauty. The film illustrates London's growth and explains the reasons for the formation of the Greater London Council. It describes the Council's services - transport, roads, housing, parks, historic buildings, fire brigade, ambulance service, refuse and sewage disposal and conservation - sets out plans for London's future and shows how the job of running London falls to Londoners elected by Londonders.
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.