The Tale of Elsie Bossing
16mm film Colour Sound 1975 6:27

Summary: An animated road safety film.
Title number: 165
Description: A stop-motion animation story of a difficult old woman who takes risks crossing the road. A rhyming ode describes the action as she suffers a number of near misses with passing traffic as she goes out shopping. The animated film is bookended with live action footage of boxer Henry Cooper sat behind a desk in a wood panelled room explaining the importance of taking care when crossing the road. On the desk beside him is a small monitor showing a busy street (possibly Theobald's Road).
Credits: Ode read by: Cyril Fletcher; Ode written by: Peter Hart; production: Peter Hart; production: Harry Walker; Animation: Pasquale Ferrari
Cast: presenter: Henry Cooper
Keywords: Road Safety
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Camden