Harlesden Library Centenary 1894-1944 (Part 1)
VHS unknown Unknown Unknown 0:00

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Summary: Celebrations to commemorate Harlesden Library Centenary 1894-1944.
Title number: 1617
LSA ID: LSA/2133
Description: Part 1 of Harlesden Centenary Celebrations film. Music intro with title Harlesden Library Centenary. Piece to camera by part-time library assistant, Monique Tudor. In 1894 Harlesden library was opened. One of the two original libraries in Brent area. Archive stills of library with summary of history. Interviews with long term users talking about the changes over the years and the fire. Pat Martin, a fulltime member of staff talks about her work. Hazel Hewett manager talks about meeting the need of the customers. Quiet study room at Harlesden Library on first floor. Interview with customer about open learning. Features Harlesden library drama club 8-13 year olds. Interview with member of staff enthusing about what a great team there is based at Harlesden and how much fun it is to work there. Ends with children shouting on steps of the library, "Happy Birthday Harlesden library". See LSA/2207 for Part 2
Credits: Fim-maker: Monique Tudor
Further information: To view this film one week's notice is required. Please contact Brent Archives, Willesden Green Library Centre, 95 High Road, Willesden Green NW10 2SF. Tel: 020 8937 3541. Email: archives@brent.gov.uk.
Keywords: libraries; Brent; centenaries;