Capital County film
35mm film unknown Unknown 1950 0:00

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Summary: The film made for the London County Council gives a history of its growth and a survey of its present day working. This film shows how far the London County Council (The LCC) affected every aspect of of Life in London at the time.
Title number: 15652
LSA ID: LSA/18706
Description: Features a brief history of London and its governance and a view of the present management through the eyes of an ordinary citizen of London, Albert Brown, who is seen going through his daily dealings with the fabric of society through the LCC. Director/Producer - Cecil Musk; Produced by the Film Producers Guild; Script/Commentator - Harold Purcell; Photography - A.T. Dinsdale Editor; Albert Brown - Pat McGrath; Mrs Brown - Ann Wrigg
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.