Associated Rediffusion film on 'Tramps: Looking in on London'
16mm film Black & White Sound 1959 0:00

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Summary: One of the series 'Look in on London' originally made for television by Associated Rediffusion for transmission in London on 20/06/1956. This copy of the film was printed in 1959 and was written and directed by Michael Ingrams.
Title number: 15649
LSA ID: LSA/18703
Description: Michael Ingrams interviews men at the 'Manor House' lodging establishment, Camberwell, where a bed can be had for 2/6. Camberwell Reception Centre caters for the penniless. Men are seen being admitted. The Superintendent, Mr. J.W. Shorter is interviewed on the entrance routine. The bathrooms, dormitories and dining rooms are seen. Clothes are inspected for lice. Ingrams talks to some of the men, all jobless, many of them 'on the road'. At the Manor House, Ingrams talks to the men about living on charity in London. Many busk to earn money for a bed. Finally a man sings a busker's song.
Further information: London Metropolitan Archives' holdings of this title may not be available to view; those available are accessed by appointment only. Please contact LMA for details.